WOW. This brand new historical fiction read was everything
I hoped (and heard!) it would be. The Kopp sisters and their fight for justice. Constance, the eldest is not your typical woman of 1914. She towers over most men, is not afraid to exert her intelligence and has more confidence than even she knows what to do with. One day she is out with her two sisters, Fleurette and Norma, in their horse drawn buggy when an automobile collides with them. No one is seriously injured but their buggy is destroyed and the irascible male driver denies accountability. And so begins a yearlong journey of detective work that brings fear and mystery into the previously humdrum lives of the Kopp sisters. From learning how to shoot a pistol, to following clues and deciphering handwriting samples - the sisters will not let this Mr. Kaufman control or harass them as he is so very famous for. Their brave standoff leads them to independence, justice and new destinies. Incredibly well written, I thoroughly enjoyed the journey these women manage. Based on the very real and true story of the Kopp sisters this novel captures the essence of the time and mindset of women who thought outside the rules that guided them, those set by their mother, their brother and every neighbor in town. Highly recommend this exciting, interesting and enjoyable read. I am so happy to have found author Amy Stewart and look forward to reading her other novels!
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