Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Jim is enslaved on a plantation with his wife and daughter, whom he loves dearly. As he performs his many jobs for Miss Watson he overhears that he will be sold to a man in New Orleans. Devastated that he will be separated from his family, Jim decides to hide out on nearby Jackson Island until he can figure out what to do. At the same time, Huck Finn, a young man Miss Watson looks after, is terrified when his drunkard father returns to town. Faking his own death he tracks down Jim and insists they run off together. As the well known story goes, they travel down the Mississippi on a raft and canoe getting themselves in an out of all sorts of trouble. With a bounty on Jim’s head for murder, theft and kidnapping he is having a hard time figuring a way out of this mess. Ironically - and this story is filled with witty irony - Jim speaks beautifully and reads and writes better than most white folks. He hides his true self and acts the part speaking “slave language” and keeping his eyes on the ground. The promise of making their way to the free states so he can make money and eventually buy his wife and daughter keep hope alive. Along the way Huck, who has known Jim for his whole life, learns what friendship really means. No longer a children’s tale, this completely original novel of the classic Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is astounding. The same story told from a different voice becomes a powerful and historical retelling of the horrifying ignorance found in the antebellum south. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thursday, July 18, 2024

When We Flew Away

When the Frank family relocated from Germany to the Netherlands in 1934 they truly believed it would save them. The country remained independent and neutral on all political and religious matters. But as Europe succumbed to the atrocities brought by Hitler and the Nazi’s there was no longer a safe place to be found. When We Flew Away reimagines Anne’s life prior to 1942, before they were forced into hiding. Before she wrote a diary that changed the way we see the world. Anne and her sister led a simple life with all the normal urgencies of a young girl trying to figure out what she likes and who she wants be. This outspoken young girl was often reprimanded in school for being a chatterbox, while she idolized and was jealous of her older sister, the model student. As the family watched their freedoms slowly disappear they clung to each other and a few friends that would help them organize the infamous attic where they would be concealed for two years. Appreciating the birds and the flowers and the feel of sunshine on your face, Anne describes the simple joys we take granted every day. I simply love author Alice Hoffman but I must admit this is a very YA book and although I often enjoy them this one did not capture my heart. It was a little repetitive and told by a narrator when as the reader I would’ve liked to imagine her thoughts first person. Maybe because I have been reading about the life of Anne Frank for my entire life, nothing will ever compare to her diary and actual words. ⭐⭐⭐

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


In 1959 Maria von Trapp marches into the infamous Lunt-Fontanne Theater. Yes, Maria von Trapp is an actual woman and she was angry. When Rogers & Hammerstein bought the rights to produce The Sound of Music from a German film company they used their artistic license to create the life they imagined for the family that escaped the Nazi’s and became a global singing sensation. But Maria lived this life. There were too many things that the play did not capture. Too many things their beautiful family had tragically lost. Always indefatigable, Maria meets with Fran, a secretary and writer who works for Hammerstein. The women walk through Central Park as Maria paints a picture of the magnificent hills of Austria and the family’s rise to fame. Born in 1905, Maria was orphaned at an early age and sent to live with an unkind uncle who terrified them all. Finally escaping to go to teachers college, Maria discovered her natural gift for music and singing. After her training she entered the Nonberg Abbey where she adored her students and was on her way to becoming a nun. Maria was finally at home, praying she would never be alone again. At 21 she received an opportunity to teach a sickly child, one of seven siblings at Baron von Trapp’s estate, and she accepted. Their father, the Baron, was 25 years her senior and his quiet house was still mourning the loss of their mother, the Baroness Agathe. Maria brought life and music back into their lives and well, the rest is history. I adored every single page of this amazing work of historical fiction. One of my all time favorite musicals, this new novel is an absolute joy and not to be missed. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The God of the Woods

When counselor Louise awakens she finds one empty bunk in her cabin. Barbara Van Laar is missing and no-one has seen her in hours. From the moment Louise reports this startling news to the director, chaos ensues. Barbara’s family owns Camp Emerson and the magnificent land surrounding it. Set in the idyllic Adirondack mountains in August 1975, the fast paced mystery has begun. Leaders are gathered to form a search party. The authorities are alerted. Campers are frightened and eerily the town remembers when 14 years earlier, Barbara’s brother Bear disappeared in these same woods, never to be seen again. As each witness is questioned, the investigators appear to have motives and alibis of their own. Some were involved in the previous case, others fear retribution from this powerful family. Judy, a young female investigator (the only woman on the team) was recently promoted from state trooper. She is inexperienced but has an honest approach that surprises them all. A teenager from a wealthy family is missing. An old case is unofficially reopened. And apparently every single suspect has something to hide. This is a long read and you would never know it. The chapters are short and will have you on the edge of your lounger with twists and turns you never expected! A perfect summer thriller. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Behind Every Good Man

When Beverly Diamond surprises her husband at the office, she finds him and his secretary in a most compromising position. Devastated by his betrayal, his bags are packed and Larry finds himself on a friend’s couch before the day is over. Feeling embarrassed and confused Beverly doesn’t see many options as a woman in 1962. Although she was an excellent student, Beverly gave up college and career to be a homemaker, a perfect wife and mother to her two young children. Now in her late twenties, Beverly refuses to let this man ruin her future. She chooses to use the lessons she learned watching the repeated success of her politician father and strong, competent mother. Instead of feeling sorry for herself, Beverly realizes winning would be the sweetest revenge. As Larry runs the senatorial campaign of a two faced liar, Beverly weasels her way into the offices of an opponent. A young candidate named Michael Landau. He is smart, handsome and most importantly - breathtakingly honest. But Landau’s campaign has no money, no traction and very little direction. Well, she intends to change all that. Using every lesson and connection she has in her arsenal, Beverly turns the entire race upside down. Witty, fun and fast paced, this author once again brings us into the not so distant past when women looked the part but were not yet leading the way. They were entirely dependent on their husbands and the male counterparts of their families. The fight for independence and equality were hard won battles that are still in motion today. Do not miss this entertaining original novel and remember who you are when you vote this November. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Dixon, Descending

Dixon Bryant missed the Olympic track team trials by two-tenths of a second. He has spent his entire adult life trying to outrace his feelings of failure. Instead of relishing the memories of his many incredible record breaking events, he put all his energy into being the good boy, the rule following student, son and younger brother. Now, working as a middle school psychologist Dixon must often decide who he can save, which boys carry the possibility of rising above their circumstance. Nate is the older brother, a disarmingly handsome, charming, businessman searching for life’s meaning. He suggests the once athletic men, now middle aged, challenge themselves physically and mentally. Nate wants them to summit Mount Everest and become the first African American men to reach the top of the world. Hesitant at first, as soon preparations begin, they are hooked. Every waking moment becomes about the mountain and the arduous journey ahead. Frightened and excited, neither of the brothers is prepared for the choices they must make and living with the unknown future that lies ahead. A breathtaking, fascinating tale of mountaineering, family and racism. Not for the faint of heart, this unpredictable page turner is impossible to put down! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Friday, June 28, 2024

The Lion Women of Tehran

Until 1953 Ellie lived with her mother and father in a beautiful home, located in an upscale part of Tehran. Self described as a descendent of royalty, Ellie’s mother was obsessed with their image and status. That all disappeared when Ellie’s father unexpectedly dies. They are left under the watchful eye of his brother who moves them to a small apartment on the wrong side of town. Innocently enough at seven years old, Ellie’s only dream is to meet one girl she can truly call a friend. When school begins she is introduced to Homa, an outspoken classmate who takes her under her wing. The girls become inseparable and Ellie takes great pleasure from Homa’s large bustling family and striking confidence. Later, when their circumstances dramatically change Ellie and Homa are separated and she is returned to the bourgeoisie society of her earlier days. When the friends reunite Ellie is mostly concerned with clothing, hairstyles and “netting” a husband. Homa, an outstanding and earnest student wants to study law and become a judge. As the two navigate the Shah’s regime from contrasting perspectives their friendship is not as simple as it once was. While Ellie has fallen in love and envisions a family, Homa’s involvement in a student communist group on campus endangers them all. This magnificent, beautifully written story of friendship, family and history is both heartbreaking and hopeful. All these years later the brutal struggle for women in pursuit of their rights for freedom in Tehran is ongoing. But they have not given up. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

If You See Them

One day Vicki’s son, Cam, brought home a girl from his highschool. He didn’t know her well but she was smart, living on her own and about to drop out of school in order to earn enough money to support herself. A caring person, Vicki had been volunteering and organizing hundreds of meals for Thanksgiving and Christmas through a local charity for years. But maybe that wasn’t enough. Vicki slowly learned there was a large population of “unaccompanied homeless youth” in their midst that slipped through the cracks of our society alone, terrified and hopeless. She learned that ONLY children “taken” from the home are considered for the foster care system, an agency most people believe ensure the well being of minors. Now she understood the homeless youth she identified do not qualify for any benefits. Vicki Sokolik, a resident of Tampa Florida founded a nonprofit called Starting Right, Now - later coined SRN. Once identified by school administration these teens can apply to be part of this incredible hands-on program where they receive guidance, mentorship and a roof over their heads. The goal is to aid these young people to lead productive, healthy lives and build a trustworthy the support system they never had. As Vicki details her experiences creating the organization and the obstacles they faced, she also highlights the many personal journeys of these teens. Some are shocking, all are heartbreaking. This incredible woman along with her team has led the path to great change in her community and legislature in the State of Florida. It is a shining example of what patience, perseverance and change can accomplish. Writing a check is appreciated but not always enough when the system is broken. Thank you Vicki, for opening my eyes. We can all be a part of the solution. Highly recommend this well written and necessary read. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Monday, June 24, 2024

The Treason of Betsy Ross

As a teen Betsy Griscom follows her sister to the sewing shop where she spent her days. Without many options open to girls, and quite a talent with the needle, Betsy weaves her way to a position in the shop as well. The younger siblings at home keep her Quaker parents busy and they barely notice when Betsy brings home John Ross, a handsome young man she works beside. At first admitting they are only friends, Betsy fails to reveal John’s non-Quaker rebellious side and family ties to the Sons of Liberty. As violence in 1770 Philadelphia trickles down, Betsy can longer ignore the dangers of political unrest and what it means to be married to a militia man. She cannot no longer abide to the Quaker vow of nonviolence when their lives and that of their future children are at stake. Secretly helping John in any way she can Betsy is drawn closer and closer to the upheaval of this new American society and the future of an independent America. Fascinating historical detail of Philadelphia and the looming Revolutionary War, these turbulent times had many unsung heroes. Reflecting on what it meant to be patriot, the well known Betsy Ross was a brave feminist way ahead of her time. ⭐⭐⭐

Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Girl Called Samson

During the period of the American Revolution women were rarely seen and never heard. They generally did not attend school, could not own land and would never dream of being a soldier. In 1760 Deborah Samson was born. She is only a young girl when her no-good father abandons his five children and her mother has no choice but to send Deborah out as an indentured servant. But Deborah is lucky in her own way. She was taught to read and write at a young age and she was bestowed upon a kind family. The Thomas family has ten boys that teach Deborah to be tough and fast and competitive. She is not like other girls. As the war descends upon Massachusetts the boys go off, one by one to join. Deborah is a plain girl. She is tall, smart, athletic and able. It does not take long for Deborah to quietly change her appearance enough to pass as “Rob”, a 16 year old boy who will follow the brothers to war. Half the battle is keeping her secret, the other half is filled with all the things with which she excels. Deborah is smart and fearless. Behaviors that may have brought unwanted attention to her are masked by her bravery, loyalty and gumption. As her natural abilities become well known she is offered the coveted position of aide de camp to a kind and powerful general. With a surprising twist she falls in love with this man. Knowing that this is loosely based on a true story simply takes my breath away. Deborah Samson is an unknown in our history books and although this was fictionalized for our reading pleasure, I devoured this well written incredible story. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Love Letters to a Serial Killer

Hannah is adrift. Her job at a non-profit is going nowhere and she spends most of her time pining for men who never reciprocate. Hannah desperately wants to be in love and escape her mediocre family, her dead end job and the painful solitude of the studio apartment she can barely afford. On the wrong side of thirty, she is starting to think her window of opportunity has closed. Everything changes when she becomes obsessed with an online forum that is following the case of a serial killer accused of brutally murdering multiple women in Georgia. His name is William. He is a lawyer from a wealthy family and decidedly handsome. While William is in jail awaiting trial Hannah cannot stop thinking about the case, about William, and she writes him a letter. Not expecting a response, Hannah is shocked when William sends a friendly and rather flirty reply. They become penpals. Although Hannah believes he is guilty she learns all about his life and her feelings become magnified when William wants to know about hers. No-one has ever given Hannah this kind of attention and she is quickly drawn into his world. The trial is approaching and Hannah drives across the country to attend. She meets his family, she meets other women obsessed with the case and together they await the verdict. Hannah must be crazy, right? What kind of person would fall in love a serial killer? Filled with completely unexpected twists and turns, this fast paced insanity was absolutely unputdownable. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Goddess of Warsaw

Lena Browning is a legendary actress. A Hollywood icon. Now in the last years of her life she wishes to come full circle. Her plan begins by sharing her life story with a young, popular actress who can easily play the role. As Lena flashes back to the early 1940’s she describes in detail her life as Bina Blonski, a beautiful blonde Jewish actress who has been thrown into the Warsaw ghetto by the Nazis. Her mother, father and sister - all killed. Her husband is a mild mannered journalist who is determined to record what is happening, while his brother Aleksandr and Bina want to fight back. They will save as many Jews as possible and are willing to kill when necessary. Bina’s Aryan looks and theatrical skills allow her to infiltrate the outside world. She arranges weapons and supplies for the small group of resistance fighters she has joined. When her husband is taken from the ghetto Bina acts on her hidden lustful feelings for Aleksandr. And then everything falls apart. Bina escapes and does whatever it takes to survive. Landing in Hollywood with a new identity Bina (Lena) spends her life in the spotlight using her money and fame to target Nazis who escaped unpunished after the war living lives they did not deserve. While the novel is fast-paced and an absolute page-turner, I found some of the romantic gestures to be a bit unrealistic and unnecessary. Nonetheless, the story is filled with many unexpected twists. If you're looking for a Holocaust story, I highly recommend it. Personally, I need a break from this genre for a while, but my mother-in-law thought it was riveting. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Summer Romance

Two years ago Ali’s mom sadly passed away. They were extremely close and Ali still finds herself locked in the car asking for advice. More concerning is that her mother answers. Then her husband announces he wants a divorce. This professional organizer and mother of two falls into a deep funk that she cannot climb out of. Keeping herself busy in the small town she grew up in creates an illusion making the days go quicker - but to what end? As summer approaches Ali wants to fix up more than her pantry, she wants to organize her life and start over again. In walks Ethan, or rather in rolls Scooter. (picture actor Adam Demos from Netflix Sex/Life on a skateboard) The once scrawny teenage brother of her best friend throws Ali for a loop de loop. Scooter has grown up and this devastatingly handsome, kind and sexy man may be just the fling to spice up her summer. As she and her ex work their way through a painful mediation juggling the needs and emotions of their kids, Ali must learn to manage the feelings unexpectedly bursting in her heart. Ethan is supposed to leave at the end of the summer. He has a home, career and people depending on him. But a four hour commute seems impossible and Ali fears she may lose her opportunity for a happy future. As cute, witty, sexy and well written as Nora Goes off Script, Summer Romance is the PERFECT read for the beach this summer! You will love every single minute of it! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Funny Story

Peter and Daphne had every detail of their wedding all planned. They moved back to Peter’s quaint Michigan hometown of Waning Bay, into the most adorable starter home. Peter’s lifelong friends and family were an instantly filled social calendar and Daphne loved her perfect job at the local library. Too good to be true? Well, its a not so funny story what happens next. All plans and their future implode when Peter reconnects with his gorgeous childhood friend Petra and dumps Daphne for the future wife he was meant to have. Completely devastated, Petra’s ex offers Daphne a room to rent. Miles is extremely handsome, in a disheveled tattooed bar tender sort of way, not her type at all. To Daphne’s surprise Miles turns out to be an excellent listener and kind soul. Their friendship blossoms and begins to fill the empty void Daphne has fallen into. When she accidentally lets it slip to Peter that she is dating Miles, simply to make him jealous, the young couple starts to enjoy the fake thing a little too much. Trying hard to enjoy their new friendship and avoid their mind blowing physical chemistry is harder than either of them ever imagined. As Daphne listens to her heart she begins to see a bright future of her own making. This latest romance by Emily Henry is too perfect. It is so rare to love every single character - I would not change a single thing. Five summer stars! Throw this one in your beach bag today!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Look For Me There

In 2008 when Tim Russert passed away, America mourned a beloved journalist whom for many represented the best American television political moderator we had ever seen. Luke Russert lost his dad; the man who he loved and admired more than anyone in the world. He also lost confidence in his future and what that represented. His mother, Maureen Orth, also a successful journalist, encouraged him to explore the world. Her early peace corp experiences and deep belief in god shaped her views and aspirations, she hoped it would be the same for her son. But as his journey around the globe challenged him, and according to his mother - went on for much longer than necessary - Luke became desperately lonely and fell into an abyss of grief. Without his father there to cheer him on through life, experiences felt pointless. Luke tried his best to see people through his father’s charitable eyes, Tim had always seen the glass half full. But Luke had a hard time finding his own inner voice. At first this memoir reads like a travel journal or diary of sorts, but as Luke learns more about both his parents lives he begins to grow in ways he never imagined. Facing fears, living with loss and finding faith. Three lessons we all must learn. ⭐⭐⭐

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies

Eleanor Dash is on an Italian book tour. She has written a series of bestsellers and her fans simply cannot get enough of these vacation mysteries - and the real life detective that costars throughout. Problem is, Connor Smith is real and Eleanor wishes he was fictional. This handsome con man she met a decade earlier when she was young, naive and thought she was in love. He embroiled Eleanor is an unexpected situation where they ultimately solved a bank heist, Connor received the reward money and dropped her like a hot potato. When Eleanor returned home she poured her broken heart out into her first novel, a mystery about a bank heist in Italy. Connor was quick to blackmail Eleanor for using his character and much to her chagrin has immersed himself in her life and career ever since. Each day as the book tour continues mysterious accidents and clues can no longer be ignored. Apparently someone is trying to kill Connor, or is it Eleanor? Afraid and feeling alone in the crowd this quick witted author tries to solve her own murder mystery. With many of the characters having serious motive this fast paced comedy/cozy becomes a series of mishaps and adventures leading the reader to solve the case! Clever, fun and filled with laugh out loud moments, this is the perfect light beach read for the summer! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Love at First Book

Leaving or rather escaping the quiet of Martha’s Vineyard is something Emily Allen has finally found the courage to do. Although she equally adores her job at the library and her best friend Sam, her mother’s erratic and abusive behavior has ran its course. Emily gets a job as an assistant for her all time favorite author, Siobhan (pronounce Shi-vawn) Riordan who lives in a quaint village in Ireland. A dream come true, Emily packs her bags. She rents a lovely cottage and also works part time at The Last Chapter, a idyllic bookshop in the center of town. The shop owner and new boss happens to be the son of Siobhan. Kieran Murphy also happens to be the most handsome guy she has ever laid eyes on. As Emily learns the local speak and merits of a good whiskey Kieran begins to grow on her. The surly boss man has a soft spot for literature lovers and red heads giving Emily a grand start in the right direction. Their relationship is as impossible to keep secret in this small town as is Siobhan’s cancer which is back with a vengeance. Her dying wish is to finish the book series that has been on hiatus for a decade. As this latest chapter in Emily’s life is turned upside down there is only one solution. Filled with family, love and books, books and more books. This delightful story is simply unputdownable and I loved every minute of it! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Walking with Sam

As a younger man Andrew McCarthy who was going through some troubling times completed an extraordinary adventure - the 500 mile trek across Spain’s Camino de Santiago. This legendary pilgrimage, rich in medieval history, leads its travelers to the Cathedral in the Galicia region of northwest Spain. He dreamed of returning and from the moment Andrew’s first son Sam began to walk he hoped someday they could accomplish this journey together. At 19, Sam was finally ready. The duo set off on this remarkable pilgrimage which promised to be both daunting and fulfilling. Walking stick in hand, they head out into the long, quiet, arduous task of walking. Essentially off the grid with heavy packs on their backs they fall into a rhythm of walking, eating and sleeping in small villages with only the barest necessities. They meet an array of eclectic fellow pilgrims, some that accompany them to their final destination. When work and every day life is put aside and weeks of open road lie ahead conversations meander from one extreme to the other; the zombie apocalypse to music and painful memories of divorce. Trying to connect with your adult offspring can be a challenge as we face the speed with which we are losing them to the world. Accepting your children are independent of you, your choices and expectations while endlessly encouraging them to be brave and confident is probably the hardest job in the world. Andrew’s memoir of his walk with Sam is filled with love and patience, blisters and disagreements. Perfect book to celebrate Father’s Day, I simply adored every single chapter and have already told my grown son all about it. Thats a start. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Wedding People

When Phoebe enters the crowded lobby at the infamous Cornwall Inn of Newport RI, she is wearing a beautiful green dress and carries no luggage. Phoebe, a literature professor from St. Louis, booked an ocean view suite for this auspicious occasion. To be alone and mourn the husband she lost and life that is no longer attainable. As she carefully observes the lobby Phoebe realizes these guests are attending a wedding. In fact, she is the only non wedding guest in the hotel. Alone in the elevator, Phoebe and Lila, the beautiful bride, strike up an unlikely friendship, confiding things in each other they probably shouldn’t be saying out loud. Before she knows it Phoebe is spending the week with “the wedding people” who are mostly named Jim and more wrapped up in themselves than to bother asking why this stranger is at the wedding. While helping Lila have “the most amazing wedding week ever” Phoebe reflects on the dissolution of her own marriage and the devastating betrayal of the man she loved. As she remembers the painful IVF failures and the family she will never have she closely watches Lila and sees the pain beneath the glitz and glamour; a difficult eccentric mother, the devastating loss of her father and the fact she is marrying a perfect man whom she may not actually love. As the two women share their lives and experiences with each other they are able to honestly face their true selves in the mirror. A million dollar wedding week filled with outrageous characters, dark humor and the ultimate search for the meaning of life. This was a unique, well written, captivating story. What is really interesting to note is that at 50% I was not completely hooked, even considered putting this down! But it pulled me back in and got progressively better. This never happens! I am so glad I finished and wound up loving it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Sunday, April 28, 2024

It. Goes. So. Fast.

From the moment we become parents there is another life completely dependent on our constant care and nurturing. Everything else becomes secondary. On the same note as the tables turn and we age our own parents may need assistance. Those days too are cherished and counted. The circle of life described in this memoir by well known NPR journalist Mary Louise Kelly is loving and thought provoking. Having spent years reporting on war, interviewing politicians and the people affected around the world, Mary decides to take time off to be more present for her older son’s last year of high school before he leaves the nest. Diving deep into the memories of early parenting while reflecting on the painful recent loss of her beloved father - while the actual world feels like it is falling apart - is hard and exhausting. With honesty, love and humor Mary Kelly shares some of her most private thoughts about motherhood, marriage and the relevance of a professional woman in midlife. Change is inevitable but it is not always easy. The invaluable lesson that time is our greatest asset is a constant reminder to live your best life. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Friday, April 26, 2024

The Wives

Leaving New York City is never easy. Simone had an editing job she loved, a great group of friends and - in the city that never sleeps - always something to do. Soon after she gets married, Andrew joins an elite Army unit and the young couple relocate to Columbus, Georgia. A very very tiny town with an army base and little else. Andrew and Simone grew up together in California. Their relationship is strong and their love runs deep. But as any young couple may struggle, they have a hard time figuring how they can both follow their dreams and remain supportive of each other. Feeling the stress of loneliness and financial instability, Simone’s real test arrives - Andrew is finally deployed. Paralyzed by this deep rooted fear is something Simone had never experienced before. It takes a village - or rather “The Wives” - as she names the other women she meets - to make this transition to army wife. An intelligent, voracious reader Simone had always been a pacifist. The pervasive questions she continuously asks Andrew, her peers and herself are the difficult ones. Simone wants to understand where Andrew’s unflinching and real desire to risk his life and fight for his country comes from. She slowly learns how the army works and the lingo they use to pacify worried wives while their husbands are deployed. As the more experienced wives help her through the difficult early days Simone learns the meaning of true friendship and camaraderie. She and Andrew find their way through the complicated maze of military life with a few bumps and bruises but this memoir shines as a testament to faith, hope and family. I was mesmerized by Simone’s story. She is an excellent writer and captured my imagination and my heart. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Paradise Problem

Marrying West Weston may or may not have been the greatest plan. But Anna Green needed student housing at UCLA and West found a great deal in subsidized family dorms. At the time it seemed like a win-win. Anna and West were excellent roommates, stayed out of each other’s way, their paths barely crossing. He was an introverted intellect finishing grad school and Anna, an eclectic party girl with pink hair who ultimately dropped pre-med for life as a starving artist. One small hitch to the hitch. Anna wasn’t much for details and she barely glanced at the documents West had her sign. Three years later, long after they went their separate ways, West appears at Anna’s door. Now a Stanford professor and more handsome than ever, West is trying to protect his inheritance from the Weston empire (i.e. crazy family) and he makes Anna an offer she once again cannot refuse. $100,000 to accompany him to a remote island celebration for his sisters high profile society wedding. Oh, and by the way, they are still legally married. Shocked but in desperate need of cash, Anna agrees. The young couple begin a two-week whirlwind adventure with the Weston clan to show the family just how married and in love they still are. A breathtaking setting and real/hot fake/marriage make this the absolute steamiest beach read of the summer. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Swap and Smell the Roses

Swapping homes with her best friend sounded like a good idea but when Willow, a city girl through and through, arrives in the Connecticut countryside she has a rude awakening. Or rather is locked out of the cottage and comes face to face with the rudest and hottest landlord she has ever met. Willow quickly realizes she has got to get on Reid’s good side or  the next two months are going to be a disaster. But things only get worse. The cottage floods and Willow must temporarily move in with the gorgeous grump. She gets a part time job at the local bakery which ignites friendship and a much better outlook on the summer. Willow has put her dream as a singer/musician aside and as painful as it may be the bakery is the perfect place to keep her mind occupied. When Willow and Reid realize that their chemistry is off the charts they are too busy hiding behind their fears to face the truth about each other and their dreams. Adorable, fast paced and a little steamy, this romcom had an idyllic setting and sweet romance. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Things I Wish I Told My Mother

Laurie is in the middle of the biggest presentation of her career when she gets the call. Her mother, the famous OB/GYN “Dr. Liz”, is in the hospital - as a patient. Laurie races to her side to discover that her mother had an unexplained cardiac episode and is presently arguing with everyone and anyone, refusing further testing. To get her mind off the stressful situation Laurie suggests she slow down and promises they can plan a getaway together when she feels better. What began as a way to get her mother’s mind off her troubles leads to the planning and plotting of a questionable adventure. The mother daughter duo, who don’t always get along,  head off to Paris and then Norway, where Liz was raised and has a sister she’s mysteriously not seen in 50 years. Widowed from an adoring husband, Liz is a beautiful, successful headstrong woman who is loved by all her patients but has never made Laurie feel anything other than intimidated. As they peruse the finest hotels, restaurants and shops in Paris the women get along much better than expected. With time and patience Laurie begins to discover a different side from the perfectionist authority she always felt distant from. With each new day their journey becomes much more than a shopping extravaganza. Laurie delves into questions she never dreamed she’d have the opportunity to ask. As the mystery of her mother’s past unravels Laurie receives answers that change her life forever. This was a heartfelt read filled with fun banter and threaded with a much deeper meaning as Laurie realizes she has carried these old hurts and misconceptions through her whole life. Every day is a precious gift not to be wasted and everyone has their own story to share. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Monday, April 8, 2024

My Side of the River

Although she was born in Tuscon, Arizona, Elizabeth always struggled to feel truly at home in America. Her parents had visas which allowed them to work and stay temporarily in the US but when she and her brother Fernando were born it complicated matters significantly. Her parents dreamed of giving their children an education that they could not get in Mexico. Always scrambling financially they worked long hard hours under the radar doing all the jobs no-one else wanted to do, never accepting government benefits for fear of being deported. At a young age Elizabeth was already a curious and intelligent student. She took to heart her mother’s constant whispers - “to succeed in America, you have to be the best.”  At 15, a miscalculated move left her parents in Mexico, their visa renewal denied indefinitely. Her brother was 8 and remained in their care. Elizabeth, now a top student and mature for her age found a way to stay with a teacher’s family and finish highschool. This girl did not miss a beat. Overcoming severe poverty and sleeping on a strangers couch for years, Elizabeth persevered. She remained Valedictorian, was accepted to a multitude of top colleges and participated in many clubs and activities. It was not easy for this teenager to face the world alone, adding on to the guilt that her brother whom she adored, was growing up without her guidance. This memoir is a beautiful testament to the strength of family. It is also a reflection of our broken immigration policies that often separates loved ones, using these migrant workers and then throwing them away. Elizabeth is a success story but it is clear many are not as lucky. This memoir was fascinating and insightful, offering a glimpse into new perspectives. One of the greatest rewards of reading is nurturing empathy. Keep reading. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Sara Starting Over

Sara has fallen into a deep depression. She has lost her treasured restaurant she spent her life building, her father passed away and her ex just married a beautiful woman half his age. Alone with nothing to do and no-one to care for Sara travels in her beat up old car until she finds a suitable landing space, preferably one where she can be isolated and wallow in peace. She stumbles upon Hills of Andrew, a quaint southern town with a storybook main street and the quiet ambiance she is searching for. Renting an adorable house with a gorgeous view, Sara slowly settles in. She finds a job at the town library and her world and fragile heart opens up in ways she never imagined. At middle age Sara did not think new friendships and the flutters of love were even a possibilty. Icing on the cake, though she is terrified of getting hurt again, Sara is surprisingly intrigued by a handsome neighbor who runs the local theater. This is a really easy, quiet, sweet story about starting over in every way. Sometimes you have to take risk to start anew, but it is well worth it. Thumbs up for me! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Just For the Summer

Justin and Emma meet online. It turns out they share the same curse. Every time a relationship ends, their ex goes on to meet “the one.” What starts as jaunty banter turns super flirty super fast. Even though Abby is a traveling nurse about to leave for a 3 month stint in Hawaii with her best friend Maddy, she is intrigued enough to change her summer plans and relocate to an adorable lake house on Lake Minnetonka. Justin, a tech guy who works remotely, is about to endeavor on some serious responsibility for a single young man. His mother is going to prison for fraud and he must take care of his three younger siblings for the foreseeable future. Although when the two finally meet their chemistry is off the chart, Emma has her own emotional baggage caused by years in foster care and a delinquent mother. Maddy, who is quite a character, really holds down the fort throughout this dramatic rollercoaster. Even though the setting was charming and lots of romance was brewing between these likable characters, the story was way more drama than this authors previous romcoms. A quick read but for me its a like not love. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Princess of Las Vegas

On August 31, 1997 the world was shocked to learn Princess Diana of Wales had tragically died in a car crash while being chased by paparazzi. Years later Crissy Dowling finds herself as a struggling actress in Las Vegas. She has an uncanny resemblance to Princess Di and with a little tweaking of hair color and speech, people do double takes wherever she goes. Her agent set her up for a one woman show at a second rate hotel located just off the strip and to her surprise she hit the jackpot. After years of searching, she finally found her new home. Living in the hotel and performing two sold out shows a night, Crissy continued to enhance the stage with Charles and all the happy/sad drama that Diana’s life entailed. Adrift since the passing of their mother, Crissy is surprised to learn her younger sister Betsy, lifelong trouble maker, has moved to Vegas trying to turn her own life around. She is accompanied by a snarky 13 year old she recently adopted and a questionable boyfriend named Frankie. Betsy is given a job at a crypto company Frankie is involved called Futurium. From the minute they arrive Crissy is suspicious of their financial dealings and gun toting business partners. Mimicking the mob from the 1950’s these ruthless men are trying to take over her hotel and coerce “Diana” to perform for their investors. As the mystery builds the sisters cannot find a way to extricate themselves from the spider web of lies these people have created. An absolute page turner, I truly enjoyed and recommend this original fun storyline. Reminded me of this authors fast paced previous book, The Flight Attendant. On that note it does get a little too impossible and for some reason his overzealous vocabulary felt unnecessary. Still a thumbs up! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Monday, March 18, 2024

The Sicilian Inheritance

Sara’s restaurant has failed. Her marriage is over and she has lost full custody of her daughter. As the world she carefully designed implodes, her dear Aunt Rosie quietly passes away. Always a spicy one and full of surprises, Rosie has left Sara a letter, her final instructions. She has arranged a trip to Sicily where their family lived for hundreds of years. Sara is meant to scatter Rosie’s ashes and confirm that the valuable piece of land Rosie inherited from her great grandmother, Serafina, still exists. If the land is legally theirs, Sara will inherit the property and finally have a chance to start over. Inheritance can be a tricky thing and many people want a piece of that pie. When Sara arrives in Italy she is immediately bombarded by a cast of quirky characters who appear little too anxious to help this beautiful American girl. With each step she takes, Sara uncovers more secrets than she ever imagined hidden beneath the ruins. Narrated by Serafina in the early 1900s and intertwined with Sara's contemporary journey, this captivating tale envelops us in the lives of courageous women driven by the pursuit of freedom, family, and love. Set amidst the breathtaking mountains of Sicily, this page-turner brims with rich historical detail and intriguing mysteries. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Friday, March 15, 2024

The Trail of Lost Hearts

At 34 Wren Waters thought she had her future all mapped out. She was engaged to charming guy named Rob, ran her own social media marketing business and enjoyed a close knit group of girlfriends. One day an unimaginable tragedy strikes and Wren’s entire world is turned upside down. Stuck in bed with barely enough energy to face the day, Wren finally decides what she needs is a geocaching trip. Once an avid hiker and nature lover, Wren has discovered a hobby that provides fresh air and a challenge to get her mind off her troubles. She plans a trip to Oregon and on the trail teams up with a fellow geocacher who turns out to be a handsome psychologist named Marshall. He literally saves the day and provides a shoulder to cry on. Feeling rejuvenated, the universe has provided the perfect partner to pull Wren from the hazy world she has occupied for months. Marshall and Wren share instant chemistry and even though they are both battling their own demons, they spend a glorious week in their own vacation bubble. As full as her heart feels, Wren cannot ignore that Marshall is holding back, and she will never again let these boxes go unchecked. The young couple must learn they have to set themselves free before they can start over again. A beautiful story of discovering love, friendship and forgiveness. I have adored all of this author’s books and this one is a simple, well written story that grabbed my heart and my imagination. Releases March 26 2024! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Jackpot Summer

The Jacobson siblings are still mourning their mother’s death. They are spending July 4th weekend cleaning out the family beach house as Dad has decided to sell and retire to sunny Boca Raton. As they reminisce and poke at each other as the siblings often do, it becomes crystal clear that the Jersey shore will never feel the same again. Taking a break, Noah, the youngest and often favored sibling, decides to venture to the local convenience store where apparently Powerball is the hot ticket of the weekend. His two sisters chip in for the fun, while the eldest and his snooty wife decline declaring that lotteries are designed for stupid people. Easy for Matthew to say since they are both power lawyers who make money faster than they could spend it. Adjusting to Dad’s big move and constantly avoiding the daily drama of their own lives the Jacobsons are beyond shocked when they win the pot! While the close siblings decide how they will spend their millions they must also decide if they can face the guilt of leaving Matthew out of the group. Extravagant purchases, unnecessary trips and meaningless donations backfire as this life changing event comes full circle. The Fabulous Foursome realize the truth - family is everything and money really can’t buy happiness. Loved every minute of this fast paced, laugh out loud story that is perfect for your beach bag this summer! Releases June 2024. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Oud Player of Cairo

Laila’s baba (father) raised her in the spirit of the boy he had always hoped for. Baba taught her strength and endurance, to stand up for what she believed and walk proud with the confidence of a man. In Egypt, during the mid 1900’s their family was just getting by. In Cairo, Kamal was a well known oud player at local cafes and parties. Talented and kind, his music entertained many but did not produce a large income. While his wife took in sewing and odd jobs to help the family financially, mostly her responsibilities were to care for their two girls. One day Kamal realized that Laila, his younger daughter had a beautiful voice. With some training and lessons her voice grew into a magnificent gift. Even though society frowned upon Laila  accompanying him on his musical endeavors, he was certain she could be famous. The duo became widely known and applauded. As life took some turns for the worse, Laila is married off to a handsome pasha from a wealthy family. At first their love feels authentic and hopeful. But as society proves them wrong, their initial emotions are not strong enough to withstand the pressures of life in the upper echelons of their city. Laila must ultimately forge her future path instead of following what is expected. In the midst of a society teetering on the brink of transformation, Laila finds her world upended by the dynamic forces of politics, religion, and the evolving dynamics within her own family. A beautiful story filled with incredible characters, interesting history and family love. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Say You'll Be Mine

Meghan is a theater teacher at the local elementary school. Deep down she always dreamed of becoming a writer but as her practical parents pushed her towards engineering she veered as far the other way as was allowed. Her best friend from college Seth is a successful songwriter and has just announced his engagement which quietly broke Meghna’s heart. After being named “best man”, she realizes she couldn’t possibly attend all the events alone. Meghna’s mother has been begging her to arrange a suitable match and desperate for a plus one she finally relents and meets Karthik. He is an engineer, of course, and surprisingly handsome. But Karthik has also been pushed hard by his parents, professionally and romantically. The two young people find themselves in the same frustrating position. They come up with a plan to solve all of their problems, a fake engagement! As Meghna and Karthik go through the motions resistantly at first, they eventually find common ground and get along really well. Their feelings grow alongside the pressures of what an engagement means to their families and the scheme gets trickier to pull off. Learning more about each other and the truth about themselves forces them to make some life changing decisions. Highly recommend this quick, adorable romcom filled with Indian culture, family and laugh out loud fun. ⭐️⭐️⭐️


Sarah bumps into Warren at the opera. She has not seen him in decades but remembers their college love affair with a clarity that makes her heart skip a beat. Divorced and 60 years old, Sarah lives outside NYC and is living a quiet existence sharing her passion for the arts at the local museum, seeing her daughter and grandchildren sporadically and her son who has moved to Seattle, hardly at all. But its peaceful, and after the tumultuous marriage she endured, quiet is good. Sarah never expected to fall in love again at her age. She most certainly never dreamed she would reconnect with Warren. While he lives in Boston and is a successful architect, Warren is in an unhappy marriage. No fighting or screaming but he is not in love and as his daughter grows up she is farther from his reach than he ever imagined possible. As their emotional affair deepens Sarah is sure that Warren will leave his wife and start a new life with her. Convinced it’s not too late, the two begin to formulate a plan. But as they say … the best-laid plans can go awry and most likely will. I could not put down this thoughtful, beautifully written novel about family and motherhood and love. A woman facing the second part of her life wondering how she got to this place. How your childhood and parents and future family affect all your decisions along the way but in the end you must pick up the pieces and live your best life. No-one else is going to do it for you. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Monday, February 26, 2024

Someplace Like Home

Jenny Caudill grew up in Kentucky, near the foothills of the magnificent Appalachian Mountains. Her father was a mechanic who fixed cars in a building beside their home while her mother cooked, cleaned and raised four children struggling to stretch every dollar. Her mother was as tough and strict as she had to be to keep the children in line and away from the dangers so easily found in a small town on the outskirts of society. Without a lot of options the teenagers tend to do a lot of smoking, drinking and fighting. Jenny’s mother demanded her children to be respectful, independent and home before dark. But without opportunities for advanced schooling after high school, jobs were scarce and they all wound up at the local factory, bored and mistreated while they stitched zippers into jeans. They didn’t know from much more than that but Jenny was itchy for independence and love. Jenny fell for the first guy who paid her any attention. Rob Lewis was an older boy who dropped out of school and was a handful of trouble. Everyone warned her but once he was set on courting Jenny she transitioned from her mother’s rules to a prison of Rob’s making. He drank, excessively took pain pills and fought with everybody. With no education and a dead end job Rob found his power by lording over Jenny and their children. Living deep in the holler Jenny was suffocating from Rob’s violent mood swings and constant abuse and needed to find a way out before someone got killed. Loosely based on her mother’s life, this author pulled on all my heartstrings. The writing flowed beautifully in this quiet story about family, motherhood and learning to protect yourself. There is much to discuss and this would be a great book club pick!  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Monday, February 19, 2024

Days of Wonder

Ella Fitchburg had all the yearnings of a young teenage girl, mostly she dreamed of falling in love. She was raised by her single mom who had grown up in a Chasidic community in Brooklyn, exiled when she brought the family shame. The two of them lived a simple life with no extended family and few friends. When Ella meets Jude at a party they share an instant connection. Although Ella is pretty and smart, Jude’s domineering and abusive father, a Judge, forbids the young couple from spending so much time together. When sneaking around becomes too much, the young lovers make one bad decision after another. Accused of trying to poison the Judge, Ella is sentenced to 25 years and Jude disappears. With an early release after only six years Ella tries to rebuild her life. Her mother does everything she can to make Ella comfortable but her attentions are suffocating and Ella is overtaken by an obsession to find the daughter she birthed and put up for adoption while she was in prison. When an address leads to the adoptive parents living in Ann Arbor, Michigan this is where Ella reestablishes her life. Living in constant fear of her actual identity being revealed, Ella lives in a world full of secrets and constant distress. As the story is narrated between the past and present the reader finally learns what really happened that momentous night, the night that changed everything. I really wanted to love this but didn’t. The writing is excellent but there is a lot of repetition and unlikable characters that are tough to root for. It could have been edited down and become a much smoother read. On the fence with this one. Publishes in April 2024. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Girl Abroad

A year studying in London is a dream come true for Abbey Bly. Living a sheltered existence in Nashville with her rock star dad, she cannot wait to experience life on her own for the first time. At nineteen, her father rarely lets her out of his sight. Since he stopped performing his whole purpose became focused on protecting Abbey from the craziness he experienced partying on the road. As she arrives at the gorgeous Nottingham flat she arranged online, she is greeted by Lee, a boy. Soon after she meets Jamie and Jackie, two more adorable mates. Her vigilant dad would freak, but for the first time Abbey makes her own decision - what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him. First rule of the house is no romance between roommates. Well, that should make things easier. Taking on big brother personas, the charming lads always include Abbey and quickly become overprotective. As she juggles her secret crush on Jack(ie) the rugby playing Aussie, Abbey also meets Nate, the motorcycle riding sexy bassist who is already taken. Complicated by rules of house and heart, Nate and Jack fill her mind with fantasies she never imagined possible - until they are. Her research project for school includes meeting an infamous playboy called Lord Tulley providing a bit of nobility and mystery to her adventure. Coming of age story in a teenage utopia, I thoroughly enjoyed this adorable escape from reality.  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Finding Margaret Fuller

In 1836 Margaret Fuller is invited to visit the well known philosopher and author, Ralph Waldo Emerson. She is welcomed at his family home in Concord Massachusetts next door to to the Alcott family (Louisa May is a child) and Henry David Thoreau is a young man who helps around the house. Waldo was excited to meet the famous female author and teacher (unmarried) who was making a name for herself as the best read person in New England. Beautiful, intelligent and outspoken, Margaret’s lifestyle was rarely approved and often misunderstood. The wives of these famous men she wished to learn beside frowned upon Margaret as their husbands displayed a dizzying attraction to this revered woman. Writing, thinking and fluent in a multitude of languages Margaret was a rare bird for a woman of these times. Expecting a boy, Margaret’s father had decided to raise her as one through education. He spent his entire adult life making sure Margaret was a well educated independent thinker. After his passing, her mother and siblings struggled financially and the pressure was on Margaret to venture out in the world and earn a living. That responsibility coupled with her own curiosity and love of learning led her to build a network of friendships with some of the most famous people of the time. When Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune sends Margaret overseas, she becomes the first female news correspondent. A magnificent cast of characters from a time known in the literary world as Romanticism and Transcendentalism. Reads like a fascinating novel and is filled with the rich history of authors we all grew up studying. Brave and brilliant, Margaret Fuller “should” have been a household name. Well written and researched. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Monday, February 5, 2024

Twice as Hard

Medicine, racism and women. Against all odds black women throughout history have managed to become physicians. Women who faced adversity and bigotry found ways to achieve their dreams and contribute to their communities. Each of these women excelled academically while scraping the money together to get to medical school. As if this was not hard enough, once graduated (often at the top of their class) their residency applications were often rejected simply because they were black women. Through mentorship, hard work and faith a precious few exceeded beyond their wildest dreams. Health centers were established in communities that had none, testing and life changing research was founded for Sickle Cell Anemia and healthcare was provided to the poorest of our nation. These women became surgeons, delivered babies, held political and academic positions and most importantly shined as role models for future generations. Fascinating details beginning in the mid 1800’s of women that should be in every history book, brought to life by medical student/author, Jasmine Brown. Having faced similar roadblocks, Jasmine highlights the incredible accomplishments of these physicians who changed the world. An uplifting and inspirational book, reading can be the best medicine. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Ready or Not

The two lines couldn’t have been more clear, Eve is pregnant. The girl who has always followed all the rules has an unexpected one night stand with a very sexy bar tender - now finds herself at a doctor’s office confirming what her heart already knew, she is going to have a baby. In her early thirties and single, Eve wasn’t even sure she wanted children. The idea of doing this alone is simply terrifying but somehow she is completely sure she is going to keep this baby. To add to the turmoil of emotions her very best lifelong friend Willa, who has been ineffectively trying to get pregnant for quite some time, finds the news devastating. Of all people, Shep, Willa’s older brother steps in. Recently single and living in Brooklyn, this once shy nerdy computer geek has really grown up. He takes the reins both mentally and physically helping Eve in any way he can. This unexpected loyalty sparks a layer to their friendship she never imagined. While Ethan, the hot bar tender/father struggles with their new reality, Shep supports Eve, showering her with treats and amazing foot rubs. Eve cannot decide if Shep has always been this handsome or if its the pregnancy hormones going berzerk, but it takes all of her self control not to literally jump all over his kindness. This beautiful story flows through nine months of love, friendship and back aches continually surprising Eve towards the moment of truth. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


When Vanessa Carvin arrives on a remote island off of Ireland, the first thing she does is change her name to Willow Hale. A new start in her self exile, a way of escaping her life and the viscous gossip that has tormented her for the past year. Her husband (ex) is in prison, her eldest daughter has passed away and her youngest will not send more than a one word text message. Anyone she considered a friend is long gone from her life. She is inextricably alone and the isolated rustic cottage matches her mood and this odd little village. The question of guilt lies heavy on her heart, self punishment - her solution. Only she can determine if a way forward is possible. This novella by John Boyne is the first of a four part series, his writing is mesmerizing. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Carolina Built

Josephine Napoleon Leary was born into slavery in North Carolina in 1856. After emancipation she was freed at 9 years old. Intelligent, kind and a hard worker - there is nothing Jo wanted more than to become successful and take care of her family. Josephine married Sweety Leary and they built a life together in the small town of Edenton. She helps him run his barber shop but it is not long before Jo’s entrepreneurial spirit takes hold and she strikes out on her own. Most unlikely for a woman of that time, purchasing land was difficult and she successfully created passive income supplementing their monthly bills. That savings allowed her to buy additional properties over the next few years which brought their family the financial security she had always craved. Filled with passion and ambition nothing was ever easy for Jo but she never gave up her beliefs that women could equally meet the business demands of men. This reimagined story takes place in the late 1800’s, is well researched and fascinating. As a black woman with all the odds against her Josephine Leary followed her dreams becoming a wife, loving mother and a successful businesswoman. Her largely forgotten legacy still stands today and her accomplishments for women and the African American community speak for itself. Perseverance, hard work and faith, Josephine Leary is an inspiration to us all. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️