Running a bookshop in posh Edinburgh is not where Carmen ever imagined herself to be. Between losing her job in the village and her meddling mother pushing her daughters to get along, she has little choice in the matter. Old Mr. McCredie’s archaic bookshop is on the brink of ruin and his lawyer (her sister) Sofia arranges for Carmen to revitalize the store in time for the busy and profitable holiday season. Saving the sweet man’s business and maybe her little sisters future as well - perfect Sofia, with her immaculate home and three adorably feisty children could use some help around the house, as she is pregnant yet again. Initially feeling sorry for herself Carmen admits she has few options and succumbs to Sofia’s plan. Amazingly Carmen learns she has quite the knack for bookshop revitalization. It doesn’t hurt one bit that she enjoys some harmless flirtation with the handsome visiting author Blair and is smitten by the sexy Brazilian student named Oke. As Christmas approaches Carmen gets quite attached to her nieces and nephews and learns her annoyingly accomplished sister isn’t so bad after all. Set in the magnificence of Scotland, this charming HEA is the absolute perfect treat for the holidays. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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