story by Joanna Trollope. The Dashwood family consisting of mom and three vivacious girls find themselves homeless after two unexpected deaths and misbegotten wills. They must leave the magnificent estate called Norland and venture out into the real world where jobs, bills and expectations abound. Belle, Elinor, Marianne and Margaret experience love, betrayal and friendship as they carry on and manage to survive life at another glamorous estate owned by a distant relative of their father's. The characters are adorable and predictable but if you want to relax and smile and read some delicious nonsense, this is it. Loved it! Sense & Sensibility
Monday, February 10, 2014
Sense & Sensibility
Thoroughly enjoyed this light, easy read, modern day Jane Austen
story by Joanna Trollope. The Dashwood family consisting of mom and three vivacious girls find themselves homeless after two unexpected deaths and misbegotten wills. They must leave the magnificent estate called Norland and venture out into the real world where jobs, bills and expectations abound. Belle, Elinor, Marianne and Margaret experience love, betrayal and friendship as they carry on and manage to survive life at another glamorous estate owned by a distant relative of their father's. The characters are adorable and predictable but if you want to relax and smile and read some delicious nonsense, this is it. Loved it! Sense & Sensibility
story by Joanna Trollope. The Dashwood family consisting of mom and three vivacious girls find themselves homeless after two unexpected deaths and misbegotten wills. They must leave the magnificent estate called Norland and venture out into the real world where jobs, bills and expectations abound. Belle, Elinor, Marianne and Margaret experience love, betrayal and friendship as they carry on and manage to survive life at another glamorous estate owned by a distant relative of their father's. The characters are adorable and predictable but if you want to relax and smile and read some delicious nonsense, this is it. Loved it! Sense & Sensibility
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