architect/mom/wife/recluse is living in Seattle with her husband, Elgie, a top top top at Microsoft and her brilliant, sassy 15 yr old daughter named Bee. They live in a ramshackle home that used to be a reformatory for pregnant girls and while Bee attends a local out-of-the-box school, Bernadette hides in her backyard Airstream and sits on her computer all day complaining about Seattle, everyone in Seattle and everyone near Seattle while having a virtual assistant in India complete all her daily tasks. This hysterical, completely UNIQUE, funny book will certainly take you away! The adventures and misadventures of this family and town is almost a spoof and yet could actually be true at the same time. The reader will find themselves in the minds of a topsy turvy world where everyone is on the edge of - is it genius - or crazy???? After many recommendations I am so glad I finally read this book. Sometimes you just can't take yourself so seriously! A GREAT SUMMER READ! People at the beach will keep wondering why you are smiling. BUY OR DOWNLOAD TODAY!
Where'd You Go, Bernadette: A Novel
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