Kitty Kittrick lives in the quaint town of Hillsdale, Massachusetts. It’s the kind of community where charming Netflix series are set, everyone knows your name and what you did in the third grade. Kitty walks into the local country club one day intent on playing tennis. This blue eyed blonde appears tall and strong and has never picked up a racket in her life. But Kitty is filled with a remarkable confidence at 16 years old that Peter has never encountered. To everyones surprise (except Kitty’s), she is spectacular and Peter, with his retired high school coach immediately begin training her for an upcoming tournament. Kitty isn’t the only one with a curious personality. Peter’s best friend Dave - whose parents own the club - manages the pro shop and will comfortably describe his autism spectrum to you along with his likes and dislikes, honesty that most find brutal and refreshing. While Kitty’s older sister Nina has dedicated her life to caregiving, a long buried secret returns to Hillsdale that may destroy them. At the same time, Dave’s parents announce they are retiring to the rat’s mouth and the race is on to win the tournament and save the club. This quirky cast of characters endure dysfunctional parenting, neurodiversity and online hookups - they will steal your heart and have you laughing out loud from the very first page. Highly recommend this dazzling new novel by local Key West author Hays Blinckmann. I cannot wait to see what she comes up with next! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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