There is nothing like Nantucket for the holidays. The Barbanel family have been celebrating Hanukah at their summer home on the island for generations. From Boston, NY and other surrounding cities this large group of aunts, uncles and numerous cousins descend upon their grandparents historical mansion for a week of latkes, lights and laughter. Shira Barbanel, a smart, funny, fairly innocent sixteen year old has always looked forward to this magical family holiday. This year even more excited, handsome Isaac, her great uncle’s assistant will be joining them. She arrives at the Nantucket airport on her own only to find the entire family is delayed due to bad weather. As she waits for a taxi none other than Tyler Nelson sidles up next to her. Tyler (aka former hot crush/next door neighbor who she avoids at all costs) agrees to share a ride. Shira unexpectedly reconnects with her past nemesis. He even agrees to her crazy plan. Shira will introduce Tyler to her well connected uncle for an internship and in return Tyler will teach Shira how to flirt with Isaac. Eight days and nights of perfect adorableness, the memory of my sixteen year old self enjoyed every single moment. Quick easy YA holiday story. I haven’t read too many Hanukkah romcoms so this was a treat. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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