Can the Wolfe family really be just one big happy family?
Well, that is what Adrian Wolfe tells himself over and over. He is best friends with both his ex wives, the magnificent Caroline and sweet Susie. Together they have 5 beautiful children. They vacation together and share meals together. But how does Maya, his third wife feel? How does she fit in to this pretty picture? Sweet, pretty affable Maya. She seemed happy, she appears content and enamored with Adrian and his extended heart strings. Until tragedy strikes and Maya is killed by a horrific bus accident. Not really believing if it was an accident drives Adrian and his family to dig deeper and find the truth. Suddenly there is a mysterious blonde woman "stalking" the clan. An ex girlfriend of his son Luke's reappears and is suspiciously like a bad rash you cannot get rid of, there is a phone left in Adrian's apartment, horrible emails are found embedded deep in his computer, and on it goes. Each chapter revealing just a little bit more mystery but not enough to put all the pieces together. I could not put down this quick, suspenseful read, my third by Lisa Jewell. I love her writing and the ease with which she pulls the reader into the story. Highly recommend this perfect beach read!
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