Fourteen years after high school graduation Shiloh and Cary, once the best of friends meet up at a wedding in Omaha. The third in their friend group, Mikey - who is now a successful artist - is getting married. At 33, Shiloh is a single mom of two adorable children and runs a children’s theater program nearby. Cary is a success in the Navy, his life going exactly as planned. What neither of them would admit is that all these years later their feelings have not changed and their hearts are full of longing for a love never realized. Always one moment away from each others arms, Shiloh and Cary spent years pushing romance away to protect their “friendship,” never realizing that is exactly the core of a happy marriage and generally what is missing from an unhappy one. The narrator swings back and forth recounting their high school memories playing video games, performing in school plays and helping each other survive their dysfunctional families. Then older, managing careers, romance and still - their dysfunctional families - all the while in and out of touch, forever wondering why they never get together. The memories are sweet young love between two kind of cute characters but for all the hype this Reese pick got, I was sorely disappointed. Extremely repetitive and absolutely nothing very interesting about either one of them except debilitating self doubt that continued on about 100 pages too long. Sad to say not my romance pick of the summer. ⭐⭐⭐
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