Sunday, April 8, 2018

Every Note Played

Karina escaped her mundane village in Poland with her god given talent as a pianist. At a young age she understood this was her ticket to another life. As an independent beautiful young woman this was not an easy journey. Alone and afraid she made it to the U.S. and a well known music school where she was quickly labeled the best. Romance with fellow pianist Richard quickly led to marriage and a quiet competition to follow their musical destiny. Young and in love Karina follows Richard to a post in Boston, motherhood and the end of her days sitting at the piano. Years later with her daughter away at college and a much anticipated divorce, Karina finds herself very alone. Richard, an extremely famous pianist has been recently diagnosed with ALS. It hits hard and fast. He has a daughter he hasn’t spoken to, girlfriends that have come and gone and an ex-wife that hates him. He, who thought he was triumphant, finds himself alone and unable to manage and very very angry. This novel is about dreams that come crashing down when marriage, career, health and all the choices one makes along the way do not align with the stars or ones future plans. Author Lisa Genova has (once again) taught me a great deal, left me hyperventilating and reminds us to be grateful for every breath, every day. 


  1. This one sounds really interesting to me. One of my best friend's father died of ALS and like the man in this book he had led a rather selfish life. At the time of his diagnosis he was largely estranged from most of his children, and slowly they had to forgive him and find a way to be there. It was heartbreaking all the way around.

    1. I think you'd really be floored by this book. Lisa Genova gets into the mind of the patient with her scientific knowledge. Its a perspective that is both heartbreaking and interesting. Her words at the end discuss some very close relationships she made while researching for this book and then I cried again. If her writing wasn't as good as it is this would be impossible to read. She is amazing.
